BackPack Program


Directed, Shot and Edited by: Nick Kalbach – Teton Productions


BackPack Program- Fund Raising


The Placer County Foodback was in need of a strategy and video to raise the funds to expand their popular BackPack program in Placer County, Ca. Teton created a fun and informational video for that very purpose. The video is currently being utlized to acquire more regional corporate sponsors and an will be utilized for this years United Way fund drive and to educate and solicit more individual donors. Video provides an incredible medium for communicating to donors and prospective sponsors and it’s sharable and viral capable.

“Today, people perpetually use Instagram and social media and love the instant gratification they provide.  For nonprofits, this means that to connect with their target audiences, they must quickly achieve with a video on their website’s home page what telethons formerly allotted hours and celebrity spokespeople to do.

Video has traditionally been relegated to that gala centerpiece and staple, reinforcing good work, pulling at heart strings and opening wallets of a room full of loyalists. Well, it’s time to think outside the ballroom! With video’s reach eclipsing what conventional collateral can communicate, nonprofits must integrate video as a tactic in fundraising and marketing strategies.

Whether you need an organizational video to increase awareness about your mission, a fundraising video to garner contributions or a recruitment video to incite volunteerism, nonprofits of all sizes can leverage the power of video to tell their story and connect with viewers. ” Karen Reiner,  Door Number 3


Shorter Version-RosevilleBackPackProgramBest-Vimeo









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Teton Productions
6297 Red Robin Rd.
Placerville, Ca 95667