SAEL- Recruitment

Directed, Shot and Edited by: Nick Kalbach – Teton Productions


SAEL- Recruitment



Sierra Academy of Expeditionary Learning (SAEL) needed a promotional video to attract applicants for their fledgling charter.   With only four months to the schools launch date, we created a short commercial and ran it in local theaters in Northern Ca. Within two months from airing the ad the school had reached their goal for attendance and had a 75% increase in applicants as a result of the theater promotional piece. This school has a unique take on education and we wanted to promote just that.

Through project-based, hands-on, college preparatory academics, SAEL students are asked to develop meaningful, authentic work and to push beyond what they once thought was possible. SAEL has regular fieldwork that takes students beyond the traditional classroom. It’s a small and community-based, but has access to the amenities of a large school campus. Very interesting model…Check it out!.


Screen shot 2014-12-28 at 10.36.33 AM














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Teton Productions
6297 Red Robin Rd.
Placerville, Ca 95667